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添加时间:2019/04/20 来源:吉林大学 作者:汪闪闪

摘 要



  首先,通过理论公式推导计算得出喷涂宽度可调的气助式超声雾化喷头的主要机械振动结构超声换能器及变幅杆的具体尺寸参数,结合有限元分析技术,采用模态分析方法对所设计的带变幅杆的换能器进行虚拟仿真分析,将仿真结果与理论设计值进行比较。通过 ANSYS 软件对设计的结构进行模态分析,得到了与理论设计仅有 0.075%误差的纵向振动模态,满足超声雾化用换能器对性能的要求,用仿真验证理论设计的正确性,得出机械振动结构各部分最终尺寸参数。






  Ultrasonic atomization technology has been widely used in various fields due to its good uniformity of droplets,small average particle size, concentrated distribution,and low power consumption.In order to solve the existing problems, and further enhance the anti-interference ability of the spray and the practicability of the spray head.Under the premise of ensuring the uniformity of spraying and the stability of the fog cone, the adjustability of the spraying width within a relatively large range can be achieved as much as possible.In this paper, a method of combining mathematical modeling and finite element simulation analysis was used to design a gas-assisted ultrasonic atomization device. Based on this, an adjustable gas supply fluid channel was designed to achieve a convergent spray and scattering type spray in an ultrasonic atomizing nozzles.

  The main research content of this paper are as follows:

  First of all, the specific size parameters of the main mechanical vibration structure ultrasonic transducer and the horn of the air-assisted ultrasonic atomizing nozzle with adjustable spray width are calculated through theoretical formula derivation.Combined with the finite element analysis technology, the modal analysis method was used to perform virtual simulation analysis on the transducer with a horn, and the simulation results were compared with the theoretical design values.The modal analysis of the designed structure was performed by ANSYS software. The longitudinal vibration modes with only 0.075% error from the theoretical design were obtained. The performance requirements of the ultrasonic atomization transducer were satisfied. The correctness of the theoretical design was verified by simulation. The final dimension parameters of each part of the mechanical vibration structure are obtained.

  Secondly, the composition and basic working principle of the air-assisted ultrasonic atomizing nozzle are introduced.On the premise of determining the mechanical vibration structure, the flow channel of the ultrasonic atomizing nozzle is designed through a fluid simulation method.When spraying with a small width, a single variable method is used to change the various parameters of the fluid structure, and the optimal structural parameters are selected by observing and analyzing the motion of the gas inside the nozzle and the jet flow at the nozzle in the fluid simulation results.When spraying with a wide width, a turbine gear is used to increase the spray width and the feasibility of the design is directly verified by fluid simulation.

  Determining the overall structural parameters, materials, and making a prototype.

  Finally, an ultrasonic atomization spray test platform was set up to complete the spray experiment.A series of related experiments were conducted on the air-assisted ultrasonic atomizing nozzle designed to study the control factors that affect the spraying effect.The experimental results show that in the case of small width spraying, the spraying width first increases and then decreases within a certain supply pressure range, and finally becomes stable.The spraying height was changed within a certain range. As the height increased, the spraying width first increased slightly and then decreased and eventually became stable. In the same way, changing the liquid supply flow within a certain range, it was found that the change in the liquid supply flow has little effect on the spray width.When spraying with a large width, it was found that within a certain supply pressure range, the spray width increased with the increase of the air supply pressure, and eventually stabilized.When the spray height is changed within a certain range, the spray width gradually increases as the height increases, and eventually becomes stable.In the same way, changing the liquid supply flow within a certain range, it was found that the change of the flow rate of the liquid supply had little effect on the spray width, and the spray width remained basically unchanged.The small-width and wide-width spray test conducted in the atomizing nozzle fully prove that the ultrasonic spray nozzle spray width is adjustable within a certain range.

  Finally, the spray effect was tested. The results showed that the spray was uniform, the spray fog cone characteristics were stable, and the spraying effect was good.

  Key word:nozzle, ultrasonic atomization, piezoelectric transducer, adjustable spray width, fog cone characteristics





  压电式超声雾化喷嘴雾化效果极佳,是目前最具有发展潜力的一种雾化喷嘴。现阶段压电式超声雾化器主要有低频和高频[13]之分,其中工作频率处于 20kHz至 80kHz 之间的超声雾化器为低频超声雾化器,工作频率大于 1MHz 的超声雾化器为高频超声雾化器。对于高频超声雾化器,工作时对水质的要求高、连续工作的时间较短、可靠性较低、难以雾化粘度高的液体且极易改变液体的化学结构等,由于这些不可避免的缺点,极大的限制了高频超声雾化器的发展前景。因为低频超声雾化器具有这些优点:可靠性极高、不会破坏被雾化液体的化学结构、对水质要求不高,使低频超声波雾化在各个领域都得到了广泛的应用,因此,对低频超声雾化器进行研究显得极为有意义。同时压电式超声雾化器按换能器的不同又可分为磁致伸缩型及压电晶片型[14]。当采用磁致伸缩型换能器时,通常雾滴在其辐射面形成,在使用时,将变幅杆连接在换能器振子上,使得雾滴更容易产生,而当换能器是压电晶片时,产生的超声波达到兆赫级,使得大量的小液滴在液体表面处形成,实现液体的雾化。对于晶片型压电式超声雾化器,由于雾化时对液体水位有限制,极大限制了其应用范围,在本文中,主要介绍带变幅杆的磁致伸缩型压电式超声雾化喷嘴。







目 录

  摘 要
  第 1 章 绪论
    1.1 引言
    1.2 超声雾化技术概述
    1.3 超声雾化喷嘴国内外发展现状
      1.3.1 超声雾化喷嘴国外发展现状
      1.3.2 超声雾化喷嘴国内发展现状
    1.4 本文的研究意义及其主要内容
  第 2 章 超声雾化喷涂基础理论
    2.1 压电陶瓷材料简介
      2.1.1 压电效应和逆压电效应
      2.1.2 压电材料
      2.1.3 压电方程
    2.2 压电材料的重要性能参数
      2.2.1 机电耦合系数
      2.2.2 柔性常数
      2.2.3 压电常数
      2.2.4 电学品质因数及介质损耗因子
    2.3 超声雾化理论基础
      2.3.1 雾化锥角的概念
      2.3.2 超声雾化的现有解释
    2.4 载气雾锥输运流模型
      2.4.1 雾化液滴的受力模型
      2.4.2 雾化后液滴的碰撞模型
    2.5 本章小结
  第 3 章 超声雾化喷头机械振动结构设计
    3.1 压电换能器简介
      3.1.1 压电换能器的应用及分类
      3.1.2 压电换能器的振动模态及选择
      3.1.3 压电换能器驱动电压的波形选择
    3.2 压电换能器的设计
      3.2.1 压电换能器材料的选择
      3.2.2 压电换能器尺寸设计
      3.2.3 变幅杆尺寸的设计
    3.3 压电换能器的模态分析
    3.4 本章小结
  第 4 章 喷涂宽度可调的气助式超声雾化喷头整体结构设计
    4.1 喷涂宽度可调的气助式超声雾化喷头的工作原理
    4.2 喷涂宽度可调的超声雾化喷头结构设计
      4.2.1 超声雾化喷头气体流道的设计及仿真
      4.2.2 超声雾化喷头外壳设计
    4.3 超声雾化喷头的整体结构
    4.4 本章小结
  第 5 章 超声雾化喷涂实验及研究
    5.1 实验装置
      5.1.1 供液装置的选择
      5.1.2 供气装置的选择
      5.1.3 超声电源的选择
      5.1.4 检测装置的选择
    5.2 超声雾化喷头雾化流量
    5.3 气助式超声雾化小宽度喷涂实验研究
      5.3.1 供气压力对喷涂宽度的影响
      5.3.2 喷涂高度对喷涂宽度的影响
      5.3.3 供液流量对喷涂宽度的影响
    5.4 气助式超声雾化大宽度喷涂实验研究
      5.4.1 供气压力对喷涂宽度的影响
      5.4.2 喷涂高度对喷涂宽度的影响
      5.4.3 供液流量对喷涂宽度的影响
    5.5 喷涂效果检测
    5.6 本章小结
  第 6 章 结论与展望
    6.1 主要工作与结论
    6.2 展望
  致 谢


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